Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Soundtracks To Our Lives

Were you ever listening to the radio and a song came on that made you go, "I wish that song would follow me everywhere I went." And then you realized it was "In The Navy" by the Village People. Well, that kind of happened to us, but with less...questionable songs. Yeah, not sure where to go with this introduction, the Village People reference came kind of early, so...

This is the segue sentence.


"Danger Zone" - Kenny Loggins, Top Gun

I like to think I live a pretty dangerous lifestyle, which is actually terribly inaccurate, but the way I grandiosely embellish my stories makes it sound like I live like Maverick and Goose.

I was riding my bike down the street when this car cut in front of me and I did this awesome wheelie and ramped up his hood and over the car.




There was a robber taking this lady's purse so I chased him and he started shooting at me, but that didn't stop me.  I dodged his bullets, stole back the purse and returned it to the lady.

That's total bullshit.



Dude, you just missed it!  I was driving and there was this crazy accident, which I totally threw my car into hyper-drive and flew over it all!

Obviously, undoubtedly bullshit.


Yeah, my life is pretty awesome.

"22" - Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is probably one of the greatest artists of all time, as well as one of my favorites, so I thought it would be fitting to include one of her songs in here. There are just so many great ones that it was hard to decide which one to choose, but since we are the same age, I figured any one would do.

She always was a little sassy.
For this one I picked "22" because, well, it's great, she's 22 and I'm 22. It was destined to fit my life. Even though her version of being 22 is vastly different than mine, I think we can find some common ground between us; I find it in the lyrics, "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22." No effing way, I feel the exact same way. Destiny.

"Damn If Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" - Geto Boys

Damn, this song is eerily close to my life. I grew up on the streets, I fought for my meals, I'm a real gangsta-ass nigga that gets the flyest of the bitches. Were the Geto Boys watching me live while writing this song?  Most likely. This is the song I blast in my car, a gangsta-ass Grand Prix, while rollin' down the strip just so everyone knows that I'm rollin' down the strip and they better stay outta my way. Bang bang.


"My Way" - Frank Sinatra

I fancy myself as a pretty unique and independent person, and although that route has earned me more than a few regrets, my life is fulfilling enough. The way Frank Sinatra belts out this song gives me chills, and above all else, inspires me to go out, take chances, and become something great. Sadly, we can't all be like Sinatra and experience such success. Most who take too many chances end up failing, but I suppose that's the trade off for making your own way...
"I failed at singing, so now I deal homemade Viagra...ladies..."
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"Everything Is Free" - Gillian Welch

If you haven't heard this song, it's kind of depressing and in a more somber tone. This song includes lyrics about doing the things you love and not caring if people buy into it or not. If it's important to you, then you should keep doing it.

Even if it's staying in your parents' basement looking at coins through a magnifying glass.
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This song applies the most to writing songs and focusing on creating outputs without making money from them, which is something I spend a lot of time doing. It acts as a reminder to me of how gratifying it can be to create, but also how disappointing it can be when you don't profit from it...something I am sooo familiar with.

"I Was Meant For The Stage" - The Decemberists

I can honestly say The Decemberists are one of the most comprehensive bands in the music industry today. This song slowly gains momentum, but eventually pumps me up to go out and do something great. Although I never do, the song still energizes me to be awesome at whatever my current task is. I think everyone should feel that at some point that they are meant for something greater.
Well...maybe not everyone. He's a straight up ass clown.
What songs describe your life? Comment below and let us know!

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1 comment:

  1. I would pay $ see Frank Sinatra at the Capital Civic Center in Manitowoc. (easy to say since he has passed on). New York New York is his greatest.

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