Monday, March 18, 2013

3 Ways Disney Can Make Great Star Wars Movies

Star Wars fans everywhere are eager to see the new movies Disney plans to make for the epic series...let's just hope they're better this time. Rumors and speculation for who will be in the new movies and what direction they may take has been nonstop since the initial press release. Here are a few things Disney should keep in mind and steer clear of before they make the new movies.

3. No Original Actors
Rumors have been flying around like Bette Midler on a broomstick about actors like Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford expressing interest in being in the new Star Wars movies. With all due respect, they're old. I feel like they could tell me how dirt was made. The original actors were great in the original trilogy, but these are new movies that need new actors to revitalize the franchise.

2. No Pod Racing
First and foremost, no pod racing, it isn't cool.  I swear that pod racing scene in The Phantom Menace took about 20 minutes to end. It was kind of cool at first, and then you realize they have two more laps left to go. After you realize that, it gets really old, really fast. Overall, a great display of computer graphics, but ultimately as stale as bantha fodder.
1. No Kiddy Characters
We all know the Jar Jar Binks character introduced in the Phantom Menace was aimed at a younger audience, Lucas even admitted it himself. Although I liked Jar Jar (let the hateful comments begin),  it really was just an all-around bad character. Jar Jar and the Gungan race tied into the story I suppose, but it's moves like that Disney needs to stay away from if it doesn't want to piss off the majority of people who will see these movies.
Of course, there are always exceptions...
How else can they make Star Wars great? Comment below and let us know!

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1 comment:

  1. I think you're confusing "being in" and "starring" somehow. Yes, a new Star Wars where the original actors were the main characters would not go over so great, most likely, but cameo appearances would be full of win.

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