Friday, May 17, 2013

Life's Unsolvable Mysteries

I was sitting at home the other night and started thinking about life's mysteries; there are so many things in this world that go unanswered. Here's a few that I pondered...

If you had feces on any part of your body, besides the obvious area, would you be content with just wiping it off with a piece of paper? Probably not. When we have fecal matter touch any part of our body, we flip out and scrub our skin raw. Then why are we comfortable with using small pieces of paper between the cheeks? I feel that since our "private parts" are covered up, we just neglect hygiene.

"I just don't use toilet paper!"
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Why do psychics still have jobs? You see on TV all the time that psychics can see the future and tell you your past and all that bullspit, so why don't they win the lottery? Now that blows my mind. Psychics should be running around with millions of dollars, yet they have nothing. They set up shop in their shady apartment building and charge $20 to make up some names and a future for the gullible.

"I'm seeing a's a 6 and a 7. I also see 45 or 54."
© Bivni | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
Why isn't "palindrome" an actual palindrome? That seems counterproductive. If we renamed palindromes something like "stunt nuts," then they would be easy to teach. When someone asks what a "stunt nuts" is, all you have to say is, "Look at the work, punk." Readers, if you don't know what a palindrome is, just look at the word.

Any other mysteries you can think of? Comment below!

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1 comment:

  1. LOL I wondered of the same thing about psychics as well considering years ago I had one living below me and when she read my palm she freaked out, she was a little nutty, well not a little A LOT.

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