Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Changes Are A Comin'

The day has come when the sidebar has become to cluttered due to the high volume of articles being posted.  To eradicate this problem, a new format will be implemented soon as well as a few other changes to make this place easier to use.  Once the final tweaks are made and kinks ironed out, it will go live.  Change is coming and let's prepare!
"Dagnabbit! I didn't even figure out the first one."
Stock Free Images

The first change will be controversial, but it will be for the better, trust me on this one.  To the dismay of some and to the not-dismay of others, the name will be changed. *gasp* I know some of you are thinking, "But it was such a good name!"  Well, not really when you think about it.  After chatting with fellow bloggers about bloggy stuff, there was a consensus on a name change that will better describe the blog and it's mission of cheap entertainment.
The anticipation grows.
Stay tuned and happy reading.

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