Thursday, March 7, 2013

3 Best TV Couples You Can Never Be

Do you remember watching certain couples on TV shows and saying, "Hopefully my life will turn out the same way!" Well it doesn't. These are a few of the famous TV relationships you wish you could have, but never will. Prepare to be disappointed with life forever.

3. Cory and Topanga
Ahhh, the famous couple from Boy Meets World that withstood the test of time. When you were little, you watched them and said to yourself, "This is exactly how relationships work! I can't wait to find my wife when I'm 12 years old!" But  it doesn't, you don't, and you've now set yourself up for a lifetime of disappointments. 

We love to watch this couple because they are the ideal pair and would have it this way if we could, but no couple functions this can enjoy the dream though.
Plus, Cory is a 3, while Topanga is a 9. Totally unrealistic.
2. Jim and Pam
I don't think any office can contend with the relationship of Jim and Pam. From playing pranks to a deep, enduring connection, no REAL office can compete. One of the biggest problems with this relationship is their ability to get along so well and still be able to work right next to each other. I don't doubt that it's possible, but compared to the majority of people who admit they could never work with their spouse or significant other, Jim and Pam's relationship dynamic seems unlikely, but not out of reach. 
1. Marshall and Lily
The How I Met Your Mother couple not only shows how two people can be perfect for each other, but also how unrealistic it is for that to happen. Marshall and Lily have been together for over a decade, so it's possible that their likes, dislikes, reactions, and even mannerisms will be very similar, but all of the couples I have seen who have been together that long just don't measure up. Again, it's a possibility, and my hat is off to you if your relationship is like this, but it's more rare than anything.

Got any other lovable couples you wish to be? Comment below and let us know!

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