Monday, April 29, 2013

The Best Drunk Girl Pictures

While looking through pictures for a post, I came across a large amount of hilarious drunk girl pictures. Some of them were just too funny to pass up, so without further adieu, enjoy.

You can tell by her face that this isn't the first time this has happened.
The result of realizing you don't have to choose one disgusting act over the other.
Thong suspenders.
If you're drinking and start inventing things, you're on an entirely different level of drunk
...and genius.
The funny thing is that she fell out of the car like that.
The sad thing is that she stayed all night like that.
Becoming the party
At some point during the party, there will be a standout drunk woman who will call upon everyone to focus on her.

Eventually, you transcend the party...and become the party.
Or you stay at the party and transcend the boundaries the host set.
The Eye of the Tiger
Sometimes people change when they're drunk, and not only into different personalities, but also other...things.

Before: "Let's see how fast I can chug these!"
After: "Meeeeeeow."
Somehow they become great artists and their drawing skills increase 100%.

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