Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! - The True Meaning of Easter

Like so many other holidays, Easter is another day filled with great meaning, but utterly lost on the majority of those who celebrate it. Surprisingly, Easter was not originally intended for a day of giant bunnies, egg coloring, and marshmallow treats. I hope to show the symbolism (if there is any) of our current traditions and expose the real meaning behind this celebration. But can Jesus truly compete with today's traditions?
"Fear not, for I am Jesus and have returned with colored eggs and marshmallow treats!"

Easter Eggs
Supposedly, the Easter egg represents the empty tomb of Jesus. As birds hatch from eggs, new life is born, similar to how Jesus rose from the grave. Although the Easter egg may have served a purpose in the past (I'm still skeptical), most who color eggs these days just want to make nifty designs.

Easter Baskets
In the past, Easter baskets were brought to churches and filled with items such as bread and other foods that were forbidden while Lent took place. Today, Easter baskets are lined with straw-like strips of plastic and filled with Easter eggs, candy, and even presents in some cases (be jealous).
"Did someone say they had Peeps?"
The Giant Bunny
Historians believe the bunny tradition stems from Pagan beliefs and was adopted while converting pagans to Christianity, which included consecrating things that have absolutely no relation to Christian beliefs (i.e. the bunny). Nevertheless, the giant bunny is an entity children keep in mind during this time. Parents even take their kids to see the Easter Bunny at the mall, almost serving as an early Santa. As our current holiday traditions are continued, so is the fight between the true meaning of the holiday and the commercialized and sugar-filled version we have changed it into.
Alas! The ultimate showdown!

Got another theory on Easter? Let us know and comment below!

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  1. The bunny thing is about A German/anglo-saxon goddess Eostre- her symbol was a bunny that laid eggs, I read that anyway.

    1. I've heard that before too. I saw some pictures of ads in the early 1900's of the Eostre rabbit with Easter wishes.

      Who must be one of those unsolvable life mysteries.

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