Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Weirdest People You Believed In As A Child

Our parents made us believe some pretty weird things as kids, like Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. But looking back on those beliefs, they're some of the most messed up things I have ever heard of...and I've heard some pretty weird shit, like the Alabama Crab Dangler for starters. Feel free to follow us on this journey as we analyze these beliefs, but most importantly, relive the very weird childhood you had.

The belief in Santa Claus takes the cake for one of the weirdest beliefs you had as a child. This jolly, obese man somehow flies around the world delivering presents to every child, sneaking into their houses through the chimney, and eating all their cookies. There's no reason for it. It doesn't make sense, but if you get free gifts as a child, you're down for whatever. Parents even go so far as to convince their children to write letters to Santa. I've honestly never worked so hard at writing a letter in my life! And don't even get me started on the elves...

"Don't worry, I'll only sneak into your house after you're asleep. Hehehe...I mean, ho ho ho..."

Easter Bunny
I'm not sure if the belief in the Easter Bunny is as widespread as Santa, but it's also a very weird thing to believe in. A giant bunny supposedly fills a basket full of straw-like plastic and candy, then hides it around your house to find? I think not. And what is the point of seeing the Easter Bunny at the mall? I'm pretty sure my parents got me to believe this for a few years, but the Easter Bunny is a little more far-fetched than Santa.

Tooth Fairy
Do you remember how horrifying and messed up it was losing your teeth as a kid?! At first anyways, but eventually you got used to your teeth falling out, which was most likely due to your belief in the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy probably exists for that sole reason, to make kids okay with losing their teeth, and although it's messed up and very weird, if kids get paid for their teeth, or anything for that matter, they're alright with it. But I wonder how kids aren't terrified of a winged creature coming into their room while they sleep to take the teeth out from under their pillow. What's to stop this magical creature from being greedy and just ripping out all of your teeth, or even paying you at all? I'm thankful I wasn't that investigative when I was younger.

"Just let me take a few more, you'll grow a whole new set...probably..."

Got something weird you believed in as a child? Comment below and let us know!

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  1. This is a delight. Thanks for that! I actually had doubts early on about Santa. Since "he sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're away," I kinda elevated him to an omnipresent being, so when I was little, I would write my letters to Santa and hide them. Then when my parents would ask me what I did with my letter I'd tell them, "If he's real, he'll know," and they'd have to search the house to know what I wanted for Christmas.

    1. That's awesome! Definitely one way to test your parents. And now that you look back on it, you can't help but think, was all the sneaking and lying really worth it? It's such a weird part of our culture!

  2. Awesome post, it was a great read. Thanks for sharing. I will have to start following your blog because you've made a great impression! Thanks! Loved the toothfairy part lol

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