Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Most Suicidal Animals

The way some animals behave is downright stupid. You would think that an animal's first concern is self-preservation, but particular animals seems to act with such reckless abandon that it's safe to say they have an almost suicidal inclination. Here's a few animals that seem to misunderstand the meaning of life and maybe even make your life worse in the process.

You know the phrase, "Curiosity killed the cat?" That's what they want you to think. In reality, cats try to kill themselves in curious ways. Whether they fall off the refrigerator or get sliced in half by a ceiling fan, cats are the Evel-frickin'-Knievels of the animal kingdom. 

If these maniacs aren't suicidal, they must not care about their own well-being, and they certainly don't care about you, the person who inconveniently painted the living room white last week and now must repaint it...(my cat jumped into the ceiling fan, if you haven't already made that connection...)
"I'm reaalllly hoping to bypass that whole 'nine lives' rigmarole."
Most can agree that the deer is one of the dumbest animals to ever walk the Earth. If they're not jumping in front of your car like they have some sort of death wish, they're playing chicken with your oncoming vehicle...or worse, making a statement and standing in the middle of the road, giving you that unconcerned look, as if to say, "go ahead, I dare ya'." And if the deer does notice you coming, sometimes it'll just walk or trot off at their leisure. I feel like that's the real life equivalent to that scene from The Dark Knight where the Joker is trying to get hit by the batcycle. 
"Come on, hit me! I want you to do it, I want you to do it. Hit me!!!"
While some animals can cause you problems with their lack of concern for self-preservation, spiders just make your life easier. Even though they're still creepy and unsettling, nine times out of ten, they don't move when you try to kill them, or at least make an effort to move even if you miss the first couple of times. Spiders can continue they're self-destructive ways, I think most people won't complain.
"I think I'll just chill here until you're ready to kill me...don't worry, take your time."

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