Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Horrible Consequences Of Living In A Superhero Universe

It's time to face the unfortunate truth: Superhero movies are here to stay, even if they produce some absolutely appalling ones. With the superhero madness spreading, so many people think that it'd be awesome to live in a superhero universe, as if they are going to be a hero or even meet one, but do they ever really think about the serious consequences of being there? Since most people haven't read the comic books, I'll get my point of, "The horrible consequences of living in a superhero universe," across using movie references.

Why cities like Gotham and Metropolis can't produce small-time villains interested in grabbing old ladies' purses is beyond me. Instead, what they get are villains like Magneto (X-Men), The Joker (Batman), Loki (The Avengers), Green Goblin (Spiderman), and a profusion of others who are on the sole mission of destroying everything. The comic books and movies fail to show how many innocent bystanders would actually be murdered by their horrid crimes. Remember that scene in The Dark Knight where The Joker gets the helicopter "racked up" in metal wires?

Yes, that one.
Although it may be night, what about night workers and people who live in those buildings? They just got mutilated by helicopter blades. Where's the splattered blood and severed limbs flying around? Next time you watch a superhero movie, pay attention to, not the main characters, but all the other city folk that face brutal off-screen deaths.

Villains are infamous for causing obscene amounts of damage to cities, like ridiculous amounts. In pretty much every movie a major building explodes, or multiple, and there are explosions and general destruction all over the city.

Totally worth living there.
In Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises, the whole point of the movie is to destroy the city, so the damages are justifiable. And I understand that accidents do happen, like Doctor Octopus destroying that building in Spiderman 2 with his giant fireball thing, but that's beside the point. It seems that villains like to take the most destructive path possible to reach their ultimate goal.

"I made an oopsie in my calculations."
Sometimes it's not even the villains that cause the damage, but the very heroes that are trying to save the city. Batman blows up so many cars that it actually gets a little excessive and pointless at times.  I guess when you are in a city of over-the-top criminals, over-the-top tactics must be taken in order to stop them, but to what cost? Millions and millions of dollars.

"As long as you continue to destroy this city, I will build you more weapons."
Just think about the taxes you would have to pay to live there...

I bet nobody thinks of these points when they got the grand idea of living in the universe where psychopaths in funny costumes battle other psychopaths in funny costumes.

"Could you be more specific to which 'funny costume' you are referring to?"
Can you think of any other terrible consequences of living with superheros? Comment below and let us know!

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  1. That's the thing that has always bothered me about the whole super-hero "thing" is that none of the heroes stick around a battle scene to asses the cost of their actions...both monetary and the human cost! It always ticked me off that Superman could punch Darkseid through office towers in downtown Metropolis with pieces of skyscraper falling to the ground and he doesn't give it a second look. What about the people both in the path of a hurtling Darkseid and the debris. He just hits and hits, the battle ends and up, up and away he goes. Now, that is just an example. There is a line a mile long of examples of heroes of various names crushing, smashing and wrecking at the cost of the civilians! At the very least, it's the "normal" who clean up after and, yes, paying higher taxes to cover the "collateral damage"!!!! There are a few, thank goodness, that are written to look at the human cost before they act. Heroes like the Flash, Green Arrow, the Atom, The Question (I can't think of any in Marvel - my bad) are characters who are more aware. But for the most, it's smash and run. If the baby is killed or left an orphan, in a hulking mess that was it's home, it's too bad. The hero won't know. They're up in their satellite base or Avengers tower chillaxing after getting their rage on...Wonder Woman. Sorry, she epitomizes the dis-connect that exists in comics between powers and people. Her attitude pisses me off! Comics are fun, I read them, but I just expect more from them. I just wish they would deliver. Do a few issues that focus on the cost of doing battle. They could very well be the most poignant issues in recent memory if they are done right!

    1. Write a comic book about it. The Adventures of The Cleaner: Cleaning up after the cool superheros.

      Future blog post?

  2. Who's gonna write them a ticket or put them in jail?

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