Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Creepiest Business Ever: The Snuggery

Have you ever felt lonely?  Depressed?  In need of a hug?  Or are you just sick of hugging your cat in bed?  Well, do I have the business for you!  Check it out, you call this lady and she will cuddle with you!  All for the low price of $1/minute!  Sound too good to be true?!?  Sadly, it is not.
"I hope it's true, Mr. Cuddles doesn't like being hugged."
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The Snuggery
A simple, and stunningly accurate, description of The Snuggery is a place to find a hooker and not have sex with her.  You get there and cuddle with a woman.  The creepiest thing this business could possibly be, which is also the last thing you want it to be, is exactly what it is.
Snuggler #1
The Snuggery
Basically, you call The Snuggery, meet up with the girl to discuss guidelines (like no sexual activity and must be fully clothed, sexual arousal is allowed), and then go to bed and, well, snuggle.  You can take naps, watch TV, or just lay down in bed with her.
Snuggler #2
The Snuggery
But wait!  It gets better!  You can get double teamed by the whole staff, which, unsurprisingly, is only two people, for only double the price.  That brings it to $120/hour, ridiculous.  It's just as easy and cheap to go to a bar and ask a stranger to snuggle with you.  Sure, you run the whole rape and kill risk, but it's free.

I'm going to spend the rest of my life wondering why this is a real business.  I guess I'm not really in the position to criticize it, they are making money and I'm not.

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