Sunday, February 3, 2013

More Oddly Specific And Common Behaviors In Stock Photography

I'm back with another edition of Oddly Specific And Common Behaviors In Stock Photography!  In case you didn't see the last one, you can find it HERE.  I don't feel like wasting time with another introduction, so I will get straight to the best part.  This edition doesn't single out women like the last one did, I desegregated this one...kind of...

Pregnant women love yellow flowers

Let me start off by saying that I know nothing about pregnancy or flowers, so you can assume all of this information is incorrect.  When women are pregnant, they get certain "urges" for things, like the urge to eat pounds of spinach or to sing Broadway musicals, so the fact that so many of these women are holding flowers leads me to believe that yellow flowers are an urge many pregnant women get.  But, maybe this urge is a primal instinct in order to increase a future mom's emotions.  It is actually a proven fact that flowers are able to increase a woman's mood for, at least, three days, and we all know that a happy mom makes happy babies.  Maybe these women aren't as crazy as they look, maybe stock photography is unknowingly teaching us valuable life lessons.

Flower bouquets are meant to be forced at the camera
You gotta start them young.
Flower bouquets are a way of making flowers ridiculously expensive, easily increasing the price 200%, even more at Valentine's Day.  Why?  Because guys will pay any price for flowers that are already put together, as long as they keep his significant other happy, which is all that matters in life.  Sentimentality is the biggest selling point for these.  "Your wife will hate you if you don't get her flowers for her," says the flower shop ad.

Bouquets are just so darn beautiful that people just insist on shoving them in our faces, "Look at what my $100 bought!"  Or, maybe they want us to smell them really badly, "Smell my roses!  Do they smell like summer?  Do they?!?"  I guess I haven't been using flower bouquets to their full potential unless I shove them into people's faces.

Women do not touch the ground while running on the beach
Women are just so darn fast that they don't even touch the ground while running, but only at the beach.  While sand usually weighs people down and makes it incredibly hard to run, women apparently defy that and actually become better runners, like a...floating...umm...running...really fast thing that doesn't touch the ground while running.  A recent study proved that a woman's body composition and build allow them to run faster through difficult terrain.  Who would've thought?

Women like guns at their chin
This one is just...baffling.  I don't even know what to say about it without being somewhat sexist.  The only logical thing I can come up with is that women have less experience with guns than men, that can lead us to believe they do not know the dangers of putting them at their head with fingers on the triggers.  One slip on a bad-moon cycle could cause catastrophic damage to their, well, head.

That's it.
All images from Stock Free Images.

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