Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To Train Your Goth - Vol. 3

Owning a Goth takes serious responsibility and commitment. At the end of the day, it is your responsibility to show your Goth that you wear the big-buckled gothy pants in the outfit, not them. But that's meant figuratively, of course. They still literally wear those pants...

The problem with all pets is that they have the ability to disobey you, but one of the best parts about Goths is they are easy to discipline. If they ever let loose that angsty attitude on you, remember that you are the boss. Goths typically come with chains and confining jewelry, convenient for keeping their obedience in line. And don't be afraid to get fact, they usually prefer that.

"Clarissa, we're late, let's go!"
"God damnit, I'm choking you with a chain, stop enjoying it!"
Warning Signs
Research has shown that over time, Goths become more and more attached in unhealthy ways to their owners. If you ever see your Goth giving you that, "I want to eat you," look or staring at you for a long period of time, you may need to take appropriate measures.
"I'll just ignore her, maybe she'll take the hint and back off..."
"Shit, she's moving closer. Play it cool Bethany, play it cool." 
"Yep, she definitely wants to eat me...keep calm Bethany, they can smell your fear."
Proper Disposal
It's sad to admit that all good things must come to an end, and Goths are no exception. If any of the above-mentioned warning signs are present, it's important to deal with the situation swiftly and carefully. Although it may be painful, it's an act that you must carry out as the owner to not let your monster run amuck and eat your neighbor's children (and cats). 
"This hurts me more than it hurts you, Clarissa. Trust me, I still have a soul...and I didn't eat Mrs. Priggin's entire litter of kittens."
All images from Stock Free Images.

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