Friday, February 1, 2013

How To Be A Tough Guy

Have you ever noticed that Hollywood loves to stick to their stereotypes? No matter what movie you’re watching, stereotypical characters seem to be present, like the dimwitted preppy girl, the nerd, and even the douchebag jock. But seeing these traits and how common they are, it got me thinking; if all you have to do is apply these traits, you can totally transform your image. I've compiled a few of the most common tough guy traits in this post. Do you have what it takes?
*Certified Tough Guy*

Puffing on cancer sticks seems to be one of the most dominant traits in the tough guy character. Although they’re terrible for you, their smell is downright revolting and the people smoking them typically smell like a dead animal, those may only be a few small prices to pay in order to look cool and master that rough appeal. 
"It's disgusting...but it looks so cool."
Cigarettes not only alert people to a badass in their midst, but also exhibit a lack of interest in the person’s own well-being as well as the well-being of those around them. If you want to start some friction with this particular tough guy, prepare to get burned.
"Yep, it's time to throw up now."
Shooting Guns
The ability to shoot a gun can usually transform someone into an instant tough guy…usually. Guns are loud, very recognizable when someone has one and an object of fear depending on where an individual takes one. Most people don’t need to use guns on a daily basis, but many hoard copious amounts of them. Some don’t even have enough time in the year to shoot all of the ones they own, but this doesn't take away from the notion that guns make you tough. You’d be surprised who all owns a gun within the confines of your town. If you want to tangle with this particular tough guy, think again, hombre.
"Nobody make any sudden moves...I...uhh...still don't know how to take the safety off."
Throwing down is another way to earn some serious tough guy points. Fighting almost always looks cool, but at the same time, those who partake in this activity walk a thin line. Fighting isn't always a sure-fire win, and many fights can have unpredictable outcomes. It's important to recognize that winning can make you look tough, but losing can shame every tough trait you ever had. 
"You call yourself a man?! You can't even win a fight! Enjoy your flowers, pansy!"

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