Tuesday, April 16, 2013

4 Ways To Make The Disney Star Wars Movies Successful

We're all anxious to see how Disney will handle the new Star Wars movies, especially since no definitive storyline has been reported. A new edition to the franchise is planned for 2015 (Really? It takes THAT long?), and I hope these suggestions may show a better path towards success.

4. Girl Lead

I know it's basically tradition to have a male lead in these movies...Hell, pretty much all the characters are male except for a few supporting females. Although I'm a guy and am exceptionally biased towards my gender's superiority (I have no problem fighting women, and especially no problem fighting old people, bring it) I think it would do the franchise good to have a female lead, or at least a co-lead. If you haven't noticed, the people who like these movies are 95% male, it's time to expand the horizons here.

3. Edgier Storyline

The last thing Disney needs to do is G-rate the content and make it too accessible for kids. Besides mostly dudes loving these movies, the viewer demographic is also primarily adult. The storyline needs to stay edgy, like Tron: Legacy, with the same amount of effort put into the effects, but for a way less boring and pointless plot.

2. New Storyline

Along with new actors, a new storyline is necessary. It's not that I don't want to see the product of Leia and Han's baby making abilities and what disruption that may cause in the universe, but there are honestly hundreds, if not thousands (probably?) storylines they could pursue. I know it may seem like a good idea to do something a little more closer to home, but if they choose to go with a completely new storyline, it's possible they could create an epic all over again rather than try and ride the played out successes of the past plots we're all too familiar with. All I'm saying is that there is a lot of opportunities with these new movies, but either path Disney chooses, I think we'll all be happy to see an addition to the series.

1. Samuel L. Jackson

I know I said no to any reoccurring characters, but it's not a movie without Samuel L. Jackson. Nuff' said.

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