Friday, April 26, 2013

Why Birthdays Suck

Do you ever wonder why people celebrate their birthday? When you're young, birthdays represent another full year of life, and most importantly, the benefits of being a little bit older. But realistically, birthdays are one of the most reoccurring depressing days in any adult's life, whether they admit it or not. Don't think so? Let me prove it to you.

No Benefits
Some birthdays are significant in our society, like being 16 (legally able to drive), 18 (legally an adult), and 21 (legally able to ruin your life), but after that, there's generally nothing good. You can legally collect social security benefits at the age of 62, but let's face it, that will run out long before you and I reach that age.

Kids suck. They always get cool toys and electronic devices that you never even dreamed could have existed when you were little. Kids get gifts from their parents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends, and a slew of other sources that buy them awesome stuff for almost no reason. Adults don't get anything anymore, or at least anything good. I honestly don't see a need for birthday presents anymore, but if you're going to get someone something, at least make it good.

"If this is another self-help book, I'm going to help myself to a fist in mom's face."
You Get Older
It's obvious that a disadvantage to a birthday is getting older. Not only are you one year older, but you can also think of it as being one step closer to your certain death. This is especially true for those in their late 20's to mid 30's, which is when you truly start to realize that about half of your life is realistically over. And as you keep getting older, you have to continue acting your age. The trivial worries of filling your piggy bank or becoming a superhero are replaced with contributions to your retirement fund and going to the doctor because your arthritis acts up when you walk too fast.

Got another reason why birthdays are terrible? Comment below!

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