Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Many Faces Of Jesus

At times, I find myself asking, who was Jesus? The bible paints us a great picture of what he did in his life, but not so much what he looked like. A person's characteristics can allow us to visualize and become more interested in the stories we hear, but there are so many different 
depictions of Jesus, which one is right?

Black Jesus
As far as I know, the Bible doesn't say anything about Jesus' skin color, so I'll give whoever painted this the benefit of the doubt and points for creativity...but come on, he has dreadlocks for Christ's sake.  
"A crucifix? Awww hell naw."

Rockstar Jesus
When I see this picture of the J-man, I can't help but see him as a rockstar. The unkempt hair, subtle beard, and overall modern appearance are the typical components of a rockstar...but I can't quite grasp what seems so familiar about it...
"How the hell did we end up like this,
why weren't we able,
to see the signs that we missed..."
How did we not see this?! Jesus has sing awful Nickelback songs.
Jesus the Lothario (Womanizer/Seducer of Women)
Jesus looks a little out of his element in this picture. His beard is trimmed, hair groomed, and he's wearing what appears to be a lavish red robe. Is it just me, or is this the Hugh Hefner of a past life?
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
Psycho Jesus
This picture shows the stressed side of Jesus that many never saw, but it shows he's just like us. You can imagine him having a really rough day, going home, cutting off all his hair, and running around naked in the streets for a few hours.
Barnabus 3:23 - A Roman soldier stopped Jesus and asked, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?" To which Jesus responded, "Why are you wearing clothes?"
Hippie Jesus
You can see from this picture that Jesus' hair and beard length are getting away from him, showing a striking resemblance to the hippie look we've come to know. It's no wonder hippies have such a bad reputation for rebellion and government disobedience, they didn't call him the J-man for no reason (he always had joints).
"Let me tell you something about the government maaan."
Jesus the Cross-Dresser
For some reason, there are a lot of pictures that show Jesus with rosy cheeks, bright red lips, and overall girlish features. Who thought that was a good idea? It doesn't even look like he has a real beard. It looks like someone painted a picture of a women, then painted a beard on the face (a poor one at that), and called it a day.

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Seen any crazy, creepy, unique pictures of Jesus? Comment below and let us know!

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1 comment:

  1. If you google lauging Jesus you get pictures of Jesus laughing. While He was here on earth for 33 years I'm sure He had some fun and laughed at times, it was't all business.

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