Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dieting For Dummies: How To Not Gain Weight Without Exercise

Do you like how much you weigh? Would you like to keep that weight without having to exercise or change your consumption habits? Well I've got the perfect solution for you!

Who knew that eating unhealthily with no exercise could lead to weight gain? I know I did, but for some reason it never caught up to me...that is, until a year or two ago. My poor consumption and activity habits had caused me to pack on an extra couple, which caused me to develop a method that has worked wonders for me in hindering an increase in my weight, and I bestow them upon you!

Note: Not laboratory tested. Results may vary.


Do you drink soda? A lot? I used to drink soda in copious amounts, and literally salivate at the thought of soda bubblers and fountains replacing the tradition water-based ones. However, since I noticed a slow weight gain, I decided to cut out soda completely from my daily routine. Needless to say, I've probably had less than 10 sodas in 2012 and the results have been pleasing.

Tony still refuses to admit that he has a drinking problem.
One Meal Per Day

After seeing my soda stage starting to near its end and become less effective, I've added the practice of eating only one meal per day. Of course, it would be crazy to do this on purpose, and quite hard to accomplish every day. It usually works out well for me since I have school all week along for most of the day, so one big meal in the evening gets the job done.

The Future...and Chocolate

This is where my theory...method...whatever you want to call it, gets a little shaky. The past practices I've mentioned have worked well for me, but as for the next steps, I can only guess what might be necessary to keep up this lazy yet health-conscious lifestyle. Chocolate is the next planned step to eliminate from my diet once eating one meal per day starts to fail. I expect these methods may not be effective for everyone, and even manageable for some, but I assume the amount of time I spend plotting to not gain weight could be used to actually exercise and eliminate the issue altogether. Oh well, I'm an American after all.

Have any weight-loss techniques? Comment below and let us know!

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  1. Do you think it's strange that the word 'die' is in diet? Me either. That sandwich things looks pretty good though.

    1. Keen observation. That sandwich does looks delicious. Isn't it weird how being on a diet makes us want food even more?

  2. Yes I do, I weigh 105 pounds so this works for me. I eat two meals a day. a breakfast/lunch and dinner. I like to workout on an empty stomach (my theory is that if there is no food to burn for fuel you burn fat). I drink too much coffee, I think it speeds up my heart rate. Works for me, just sayin'....I'm not an M.D. be advised.

    1. That's an interesting thought Lacey. If the body doesn't have fuel, it'll just burn fat. I'm not a doctor either so I can't say that it's right or not, but it sounds reasonable :)

  3. This winter my plan was to lose 15 pounds by spring. I have only 20 pounds to go.

    Did you hear about the gourmet who avoids unfashionable restaurants because he doesn't want to gain weight in the wrong places?

    A funny thing with a diet, the second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it.

    Do you call a person who has abandoned their diet a desserter?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. haha very nice.
      My favorite was the last one :) have any more?

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