Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To Our Pervert Readers

To our valued readers,

Recently I added an analytics viewer that gives me the ability to view "heat sensors" of each page, or where people click the most. This can be quite interesting and helpful to decide how to set up the blog and make any necessary changes to make it more user friendly, which is its intended purpose. Now to the problem. There is an article that I wrote titled "3 Awful Fundraisers" that included Girl Scout cookies as one of the fundraisers.

Click for uncensored.

Two pictures I felt needed to be in there to make a point were two scantily clad Girl Scouts. Now I knew these would unintentionally draw in views from the hormonal male readers, but the way you are acting is unacceptable. Remember the heat sensing I mentioned above? Well, that revealed a disturbing trend involving those pictures. Ideally we want you to visit new articles after reading one, but it seems those two semi-innocent pictures have distracted you from our goal. To show you what I am talking about, here are screenshots of the "hot spots." Obviously the bigger and darker the circles, the more people click.

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I can understand that these ladies are attractive, but to be the most clicked area on the entire screen? In fact, there were almost no other hot spots on the rest of the article. Remember viewers, someone is always watching what you are doing. That's me and means I like to watch how you guys and gals interact with the blog. I feel like if I linked those pictures to another article instead of a larger picture...I think I'm onto something.

Almost Comedy

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Even though you are a perverted crowd...
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