Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movie Sequels That Need To Be Made

Being an avid movie watcher, I noticed something disturbing; all the shitty movies have sequels and none of the good ones do.  Why is this?  I searched for answers, but found nothing.  That led me to believe that Hollywood likes nothing more than torturing us by making us want more decent movies, but not delivering.  I took the liberty of making a few sequels that need to be released.  I can only hope movie producers see these and decide they are good enough for production.

Spoiler Alert: This post will contain numerous spoilers.

The Strangers 2
I failed to make a cool movie poster, so I just added the number "2" and a new tagline.

The Strangers ended with the two main people almost dead, begging for their lives and asking why the three other main people were torturing them, to which the three killer people said something like, "You were home, so we decided to torture you.  Die, bitches."  Yes, this was a satisfying ending, up until they kept going with the movie.  Once the two main people died, the three main killer people were driving down the road and ran into some kind of Amish kid and said something like, "Did you know those two people we just tortured and killed?"  Amish kid replies, "No."  That's the end of the movie.  Lame. missionary kids and the kids asked, "Are you sinners?" to which one of the killers replies, "Sometimes," which is a pretty sweet answer (I watched the end of the movie again and had to correct my mistakes).  That's much cooler than the ending I previously described.  Also, the missionary kids find the two who were killed, but it turns out that the lady wasn't dead.  Still pretty lame.
"We were planning on offing those guys next week anyways."
The Strangers 2 opens with three teens joyriding along the countryside, occasionally hitting mailboxes with a bat; this is foreshadowing, so watch out for it.  The teens keep up with their shenanigans until late into the night.  Seeing a house with the lights on, they decide to scare the inhabitants, just like they did with the last house (the one where they killed the people from the first movie).  Violently rapping at the door (rapping as in hitting, not talking fast), a burly man greets them.  Shit.  Just.  Got.  Real.  This is the house of a serial killer and his emotionally unstable wife.  The couple pulls the three teens into their house and make them live the horror show that they brought upon the last people.  The circle of life, or the circle of karma is more fitting, has come around to bite them in the ass.  Oh yeah, the foreshadowing is that the husband hits the intruders with a bat; the circle of karma strikes again, like a bat.

Still Buried

Buried ended in a way that I'm not happy with.  There was an explosion, the box was filling with sand and it cut to the credits.  What kind of ending is that?  Did the dude die?  I guess we are left to assume that he did and leave it at that.
I am not satisfied with this and heavy breathing as an ending.
Still Buried starts with a scene of the box filling with sand (continuing from the last movie) and the buried guy struggling to stay alive.  Then, for reasons unbeknown to the viewers, the sand mysteriously stops.  Why did it stop?  This question must be answered!  The guy gets a second wind and starts frantically pawing away at the ceiling (roof?) of the box, thinking that salvation is a few inches away, but here's the Shyamalan twist.  When he breaks through the roof of the box, there is nothing but darkness.  "Aww, hell no!" is the dialogue that goes here.  He discovers that he is stuck in a slightly bigger box.  This box has a flashlight, cellphone, lighter, and a knife.  His race to find his captors and wife continues from the box, but he comes up fruitless.  There is an explosion and his bigger box starts filling with sand.  And the movie ends here.  I set this up for another sequel, Buried 3 - That's How Many Boxes He Is In, because trilogies are always successful; especially ones where the camera never leaves a box in the ground.

Saw: This Is Seriously The Last One

I have not, nor do I want, to finish the Saw series (there's like eight too many movies), but I assume that there are loose ends that need tying.  Here's where Saw: This Is Seriously The Last One helps.  Saw: TISTLO leaves no loose ends and finally ends the series.

I assume that Mr. Jigsaw is dead because he was in pretty rough shape in movie two or three, so he's dead in this movie.  The real villain here is the reckless teen, the last person in the family to whom Jigsaw taught his tricks to, who loves to copy his Uncle Jigsaw's tricks.  He kidnaps his first victim, a 21-year-old woman, because she looked like a good first attempt.  His spirit is strong, but his traps are weak and laughable.  For his first trap, he tapes the girl to a chair.  The catch is that she has to solve a Suduko puzzle in five minutes or else she will be shot.  He did not realize she needed her hands to solve the puzzle.  She was shot.  The gunshot rattled the house and woke up his stepmother.  She ran downstairs to find him crying over the dead girl.  So she (the stepmother, not the dead girl) shot him.  The end.
I'd rather not play another game.
Is that a perfect movie?  No, but it is a perfect ending.  No more people know Jigsaw's tricks, so that means no more absurd traps and elaborate killings.


Starting off with the shooting of that guy that was supposed to be that one guy who shot that guy (I'm not really sure of the plot), we continue with the journey of Leonard.  To catch you up, Leonard has no short-term memory, so every time he sleeps, he forgets what happens, which is why he tattoos important things on his body.
Even mundane tasks have a spot on his body.
What made Memento unique was that it played backwards and forwards, so we can see how Leonard sees the world, or something like that.  etnemeM gets even more crazy.  Leonard is on a quest to find the guy who murdered his wife, again, because he doesn't remember solving the murder in the first movie.  In the first scene, Leonard is hit in the head and loses long-term memory.  Now Leonard has no memory at all, he is basically a useless bag of skin and bones running amok.  Here's where it gets crazy.  Since the plot is super retarded and confusing already, the movie is played forward because, really, we will have no idea what the hell is happening otherwise (not like that's anything new with Christopher Nolan, especially when watching about a dream within a dream within a dream).  I guess this is just a normal movie with a really stupid plot.

There you have it.  Four awesome sequels to three awesome movies (I'm not counting Saw as being awesome).  I'm sure you all would agree these are genius and would watch them in a heartbeat if they came out.

Got any other movie sequel ideas? Comment below and let us know!

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