Sunday, May 12, 2013

Quite Possibly The Greatest Movie Idea In The History Of Movie Ideas

"Its basically two movies in one. On the surface it would appear to be an entirely different genre of movie. maybe a romantic comedy or something. it has to be something you would never expect. That portion of the movie has to be well done and well written possibly even legitimately funny. It has to be something you might actually sit through. At the very end though everything suddenly changes. seemingly out of nowhere maybe one of the characters murders the other or some sort of monster suddenly kills off the protagonist. maybe they get rescued by a character you havent seen before, maybe that hero then dies a gruesome death and reveals some sort of seemingly meaningless gibberish with his final breath. Either way its confusing as hell and you feel like you must have missed something REALLY important. so you go back and watch it again...

"Wait...I thought this was a romantic comedy until Sam got shot in the face."
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With your new knowledge you start to notice things in the background that were completely unremarkable before. What appeared to be minor details become valuable clues as to what's going on. Minor inconsistencies between cuts start to take on sinister meaning (why is that lady in the far background of every scene? are those claw marks on the wall? Was that man on teh street trying to hail a taxi or get the protagonists attention?) What makes it so much more terrifying is that as you begin to decode all the secrets and unwrap this entirely new plot you notice that the protagonist is completely unaware of what's happening around him and headed inevitably toward disaster.

 When it all finally comes together the viewer should have some idea of what was actually going on but still not be entirely sure that all the horrific little details weren't just in their head. sure, a large portion of them were clearly important but on some level he or she should feel that they might have just been making it up the whole time."

I don't know about you, but this could very well be the most amazing movie ever dreamed up. It has something for everyone: a love story (or some other kind of mindless movie plot), violence (thought it only shows up at the end), and a gruesome plot that requires to you keenly watch the movie and draw your own conclusions.

There's a major flaw in it though that he pointed out: this movie would be incredibly difficult to make. The background plot would have to be so subtle that it goes unnoticed until you look for it. This would take a director with such a nitpicky attitude towards the smallest details that it would piss off every member of the film crew. We would need a a collaboration of Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Inception), Peter Jackson (The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit) and the late Stanley Kubrick (The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange and every other great movie). Yes, I'm sure there's other directors more detailed, but those are the first three that come to mind.

"Woman in back, move one step right, now one back, a little more right,
pull your shirt down two inches, turn three degrees. You know what? You're fired."
The other major flaw I could see is the initial negative reactions by viewers and critics. How many people would want a romantic comedy that ends with the main character getting murdered? People would leave the theater going, "What the fuck did I just watch?" And critics who watched the movie once would say the same thing. Most people don't like watching movies more than once, especially if they didn't like it the first time, so how many people would want to buy it just to hate it a second time?

"I hated this movie the first time, why the shit would I pay for it again?"
© Stuartmiles | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
Overall, I could see this becoming an absolutely huge hit once the word got out about the main plot happening in the background of the superficial plot that everyone was paying attention to. It's a movie within a movie! Filmception!

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1 comment:

  1. I think that movie would be cool but you're probably right about the problems that would arise.

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