Saturday, October 13, 2012

Blog I hate. Blogs I love.

I don't read blogs, I just have one.  While searching for blogs to start reading, I came across three that caught my eye.  Best of Picfoolery, Stuff White People Like, and The Problem with Young People Today Is....  The purpose of this post is to inform you of which blogs are worth reading and which one is almost not even worth mentioning.

I'm going to start with the bad blog.  Sometimes I read something that is so bad that I feel like I have lost knowledge.  I cannot even wrap my head around why this blog exists and why Al Gore hasn't taken it off his Internet yet.  But, I feel like it is my duty to inform people about this blog so they do not make the same mistake I did by reading it.  This sorry excuse of Internet space is the infamous Best of Picfoolery.

Yeah baby, feet are hysterical.

I actually feel bad for linking to the blog because someone else will be robbed of knowledge.  This blog has no clear purpose for existing.  With a name like Best of Picfoolery, it sounds so promising, like a fairyland filled with comical pictures and ramblings that can make even the most depressed emo crack a smile.  It has a simple and genius concept: post funny pictures with funny captions.  Easy enough, right?  An entire blog devoted to funny pictures with captions.  How hilarious it must be...  The pictures I post are better than those, or maybe not, I don't know, mine are probably just as stupid and useless.  

This is Best of Picfoolery at its best.

Looking back on what I wrote about this blog, I kind of feel bad.  Someone took the time to hatch an idea, create the blog, and make daily posts, presumably while drunk and/or under the influence of drugs, yet here I am ripping it apart.  The maker of Picfoolery most likely spent a lot more time and effort than I did in making There's a Blog in My Pocket.  If Mr. Picfoolerymaker sees this, I apologize.

I'm jelouse of there madd speling skillz.  An she gots no swag.
Seeing this picture makes me take back my apology.  I should stop writing about this blog and just let it be.  It's time to say some nice things...

You just saw my rantings, but I can be pleasant sometimes.  The types of blogs that I enjoy to read have to have a foundation of humor and the two that follow are no exception.  These two blogs will brighten your day, which you will need on a rainy day like today, and put a smile on your face.

The first blog that I would like to grace your life with is Stuff White People Like.  Yes, it does sound racist, but it is hilarious.  This blog takes the stereotypes of white people and puts a humorous spin on them.  Every stereotype you can think of for white people, this site has acknowledged.

He's most likely on a college campus playing Good Riddance.

Here's a small portion of what white people like taken from their master list of over 100 things: Ugly Sweater Parties, Girls with Bangs, Bob Marley, Bottles of Water, Netflix, and over 100 more.  This blog hit the white people culture head on.  A flawless blog and I'm not just saying that because I'm white.

Likes #130: Ray-Ban Wayfarers, #41: Indie Music, and #40: Apple Products.

We all love the nonsensical anecdotes and aimless talking of old men.  They have so much wisdom and experiences to pass down to the younger generation.

"I remember one time...and so?  That time...that was a hoot!"

It makes sense that an old man would make a great blog.  Actually, I really couldn't care if it is a terrible blog, it's just impressive an old person figured out how to use a computer.  The Problem with Young People Today Is... is a blog written by an old man (or as he calls himself, crabbyoldfart).

"Blog?  Is that a kind of septic system?"

Crabbyoldfart's posts revolve around comparing current times to his glory days.  For example...

       "In my day, young people were tough, damn it. We were gristly, sinewy and hard as nails. My generation was forged in a furnace of fiery parents, sweltering outhouses, creamed chip beef and the type of childhood diseases that either killed you or put some damned hair on your chest.  But these young people today? They're marshmallows. And the similarity extends beyond their squishy plumpness and incredible lack of taste. Most have never done a lick of honest work and wouldn't recognized a calloused palm if you clapped them across the ear with one."

"I got the chest hair of ten old men."

The one problem I have when reading this is that I can't read more than one post at a time.  Every one follows the same format:  Talk shit about the current generation and then compare it to how amazing it was "in the good ol' days."  It has its funny moments and is very well written, you can tell he has some background in writing and composition, much better than you would expect from a ranting elderly gentleman.

There are the blogs I recommend reading, and one I highly do not.  Enjoy your time on them.

Is this a good blog?  Aww, thanks Picfoolery.

Got any other blogs you love or hate? Comment below and let us know!

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