Sunday, September 30, 2012

This is a Kick-Ass Post

Who hasn't wanted to be a superhero before?  I think that is a dream everyone has shared at some point.  The superpowers, the fame, the fighting of crime.  It all sounds great, so why can't we all be one?

All it takes is a Snuggy, some imagination, 30 seconds in Photoshop,
and the realization you look like a complete idiot.

In the sea of superhero movies, it is hard to find one that truly stands out among the rest.  It seems that every movie is a reboot of a series or another part of a trilogy.  One movie takes the spotlight from the rest, not because it has amazing superheros, but because it has a geeky kid who wants to play superhero...and fails.  That movie is Kick-Ass (that's the title, but it is also pretty kick ass).  

Dave Lizewski (played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson) took that childhood dream of being a superhero and made it a reality.  After being stabbed, hit by a car, and having his bones fortified with metal (kind of like Wolverine, except waaaay less awesome), Dave decided it was time to take action and stand up for injustice.  So what did he do?  He ordered some scuba gear and created a superhero alter ego: Kick-Ass (coincidentally, that is the name of the movie too).

Imma getchu crime!

His first few weeks were uneventful and he spent them wandering around the city saving kittens and looking like Dumb-Ass.  The first real action he got into was the mugging of a timid man by three thugs.  Kick-Ass sprung into action and quickly became Ass-Kicked.  Even though Dave got his ass handed to him, a bystander filmed the fight and posted it on the internet.  Overnight, the video became a hit and Kick-Ass rose to national fame.  

Kick-Ass' newfound fame inflated his ego to the point where he thought he could fight anything, including a room full of gangsters toting guns for some reason.  Well, Weak-Ass got overpowered and he had no chance, at all.  That is, until a small girl and her father saved him.  Hit-Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) came through a window with swords flashing and Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) perched on the balcony across the street with a sniper rifle.  Kick-Ass, once again, looked more like Dumb-Ass (ok, last play on his name).

This is Big Daddy.  Unseen is the bird on Nicolas Cage's head.

Through a series of escalating events, Kick-Ass winds up helping Hit-Girl do a bunch of super crime fighting stuff.  I'll just leave it at that so I don't spoil the movie.

What's that?  Twelve-year-old girls aren't dangerous?

This movie is like Kill Bill with superheros.  The fighting scenes are stylistic, very Quentin Tarantinoesque, with incredible choreography, like Jackie Chan would perform.  Though this is a supposed "comedy" movie, there is a surprising amount of blood and gore that it almost seems like a slasher film, which is kick ass.

Here is a family friendly picture of a fight scene.

The acting is very convincing with a perfect cast.  Each actor and actress looked and fit the part they were playing and appeared very comfortable in their characters.  My only complaint is with Nicolas Cage.  Now, I'm not saying all superheros need to have a great voice to conceal their identity, look at Christian Bale's Batman voice sounding like an old smoker grandma who eats gravel and razor blades, but it seems like Cage does not even try.  His idea of a superhero voice?  Speaking. In. Phrases. Much. Like. This. Reads.  That is his super voice disguise.  Talking like normal, but stopping after every word.  And yes, that was his idea for the voice, not the directors.

There's the bird.

Kick-Ass is just a great movie.  That is really all that needs to be said about it.  I highly recommend buying it, Red Boxing it, Netflixing it, or whatever source needed to obtain it.  You will not be disappointed.  Trust me.

Complete idiot?  No.  Complete Badass. 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds very interesting..I've never actually heard of this before, but I will definitely check it out!

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