Wednesday, October 24, 2012

In The Spirit of Halloween...

I'm going to talk about scary movies.  Movies, in general, are usually pretty fun to go see.  Though not for everyone, horror movies are especially fun.

You know it's good when it destroys your childhood.

I'm not quite sure what it is about scary movies that make them so fun and no matter how you try and describe the appeal of them, you will always sound like a sadist.  "They are these movies where helpless people are mentally and physically tortured by monsters and supernatural beings.  What's that?  You don't want to be friends anymore?  Yeah, I don't blame you."

"This movie is great.  These two people are tortured and killed.  Fun...right?"

There's just something about horror movies that make you feel alive.  You get that sudden rush of fear when a monster pops out or that feeling of unsettling anxiety when a ghost appears.  Those are feelings you don't experience in everyday life.

I felt that way every night after watching Paranormal Activity.

The greatest thing about the fear we are experiencing is that it is safe.  There is no danger of us getting decapitated, haunted, drilled full of holes, being possessed, tortured, followed by demons, driving home in the rain and hitting women in wedding dresses that are standing in the middle of the road, having dolls come to life, or experiencing cannibals living in the woods.  After two hours, we can walk out of the theater, safe and in one piece.  The exception of the "safe fear" rule is when the creepy feeling follows you home and stays with you, even when you know there is nothing to be afraid of.

I felt that way every night after watching Paranormal Activity 2.

It is this feeling of insecurity that may deter people from enjoying frightening movies, but as hard as it is to do so, you must focus all your energy on telling yourself "It's just a movie.  It's not real."  I can tell you to do that all day, but I'll be honest, that never works.  You still go to bed with a light on, blanket over your head, and all the doors closed.

I did that every night after watching Paranormal Activity 3.  I should stop watching those. 

I think the best kind of horror movie is one that can capture the feeling of complete stillness and use that to make us uneasy.  I have referenced Paranormal Activity a couple times and I, as you can probably tell, think those are some of the scariest movies I have seen.  When watching the first one, it was unique that the most unsettling parts were when nothing happened.  The first time any activity happens is a door moving a whole 2 inches, yet it freaked the hell out of everybody.  So many movies bludgeon you with frightening things right at the beginning that by the halfway point, the novelty has worn off and it has become more of a comedy.

"Oh hi!  I'm just gonna hang out here all movie and try to scare y'all."

Horror movies are something that I enjoy greatly and you should too.  Yes, I am forcing my beliefs on you.  Go grab a friend, or be alone if you're brave, shut the lights off, and watch a horror movie.  I guarantee you will have a great experience, even after you stop the movie.  Well, that's the best conclusion you're going to get, so here's a picture of the scariest movie of all...

For fear that Ryan Gosling will steal my girlfriend.

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