Thursday, December 20, 2012

People We Are Forced To Trust

At some point in our lives we are forced to trust a stranger, it's inevitable.  These are people we must rely on to do certain tasks; like we trust our plumber knows his pipes, our mechanic knows how to fix cars, our barber knows proper cutting techniques, and our banker knows basic math.  These are people who handle minor tasks in our lives, here's a list of people we have to trust with our lives...

Next time you're in a doctor's office, check out their credentials on the wall.  Do they mean anything to you?  Probably not.  To most, diplomas are basically showing us that the person about to examine us had enough money to attend college and was smart enough to graduate, we will never know if they were top or bottom of the class.  We trust the letters after their name because letters mean competency, competency means a good doctor, and good doctor means a correct diagnosis, correct diagnosis means better health, and better health means the doctor did his job properly, and a doctor that did a proper job costs money, money is valuable, our lives are valuable, and that means doctors are valuable; but, their qualifications don't mean they have to diagnose correctly or even try to, they just have to look at us and pretend they know what they're doing.  Not all doctors are valuable.
"Diagnosis?  You look disgusting."
Now, check-up appointments and look-at-my-crying-kid appointments don't require as much trust since we can see the doctor and question their methods, but surgery is a different story.  Our lives are in the hands of a person we have never met, never seen, and might know what they are doing.  For all we know, while we're unconscious, they are reading a How-To manual or having sexual relations with each other (and possibly us, if our shirt is untucked).
"You'll never know what we do while you're unconscious."
Once the operating doors are closed, yet another danger arises, even more serious than the surgeon reading a manual.  Believe it or not, doctors performing the wrong surgery is ridiculously common (in case you didn't realize, those are all links).  Do you trust your surgeon to remove your appendix and not your liver?  If they mess up, you could easily end up, well, dead.  They ultimately decide our fate: life, complicated life, or death.    
"Holy shit, you meant left arm?"
Teachers are responsible for our growth into competent adults.  Just like doctors, our lives are in their hands, well, the book smart part of our lives.  Our teachers could have taught us complete crap, but we trust them because they should know what's right.  Does everybody else know for a fact that Christopher Columbus sailed from England with his comrades looking for India on a thought-to-be-suicide mission, found America instead, had dinner with the Indians, killed the Indians, and then claimed the land as their own?  That's how I learned North America was founded and I trust that that is an exact description of what happened.
Our futures lie in the hands of a teacher who can't solve her own problems.
Besides teaching responsibilities, teachers also have control of children for hours a day, so we must trust that they are the smart, non-touchy, and age-appropriate kind of teachers; not the clueless, sexual-harassing, feely, massage-giving, invite-kids-to-their-house teachers.
For some reason all the boys want Ms. Parker's class.
Teachers can be a great influence and role model to a student, to the point of affecting how they dress and act.  Let's just hope they don't fill the student's head with drug thoughts and abuse ideas.
"Ms. Parker taught me to dress like this."
And on the subject of teachers, there is an ominous trend in the teacher category of stock photography.  All teachers are either old men or attractive females working for tips (also seen above).
                                      Stock Free Images
You don't care about the old men photos.
Stock Free Images
Stock Free Images
Stock Free Images
I don't even know what subject she would teach.
There are so many more of these pictures that it's ridiculous.  I guess stock photos don't reflect real life. 

From my experience, most cooks are short-tempered, emotionally unstable, and spiteful.  Whenever their food is criticized or sent back, they do not take that lightly.  It's unfortunate that they are so unpredictable, especially because they control what is ingested by us.  The things they are able to do with our food are...infinite.  Back in the kitchen, out of the eyes of diners, anything goes.  Dropping food, spitting in food, rubbing food on body parts, serving spoiled food, and a million other things are all fair game.
"I taste all the food before I send it out.  Don't worry,
I only spit in the things that get sent back."
Have an allergy?  You better hope the kitchen knows that.  All the food gets prepared in the same area and on the same surfaces, so an allergy-free meal requires clean utensils, grill space, and line space.  If you come during a dinner rush on a Friday night, you better hope those cooks take their time preparing the meal to prevent any allergy attacks.  Just like the others, your life is potentially in their hands.  Scary, isn't it?
You better watch for my victims body parts in your food.

You've got a feeling that tonight isn't going to be a good night; you're stressed from work and your body aches all over.  Getting a massage is the only pill that can cure this ill.  I have never gotten a massage before, but I feel like laying nude for another person to touch and rub you would be incredibly uncomfortable.  Not only that, but...well, I guess that's pretty much it, besides the fact that they have the opportunity to take nude photos of you and do whatever a masseuse would do with nude photos.
"I'm just going to get naked and rub up and down your back.
It's a technique I learned in a video online. Never mind what website it's from."

While you're laying there getting groped by a stranger, you sure as hell better make sure they like their job, and like you too; otherwise, they have the perfect chance to kill you.  Yes, kill you.  You sit there with your face in that hole and they are staring at your vulnerable body, it's like a serial killer's dream.
"I'm just going to rub your neck and resist the urge to snap it."
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but you will be too next time you get a massage.  Just keep telling yourself, "He probably won't kill me."  That should help.

There you have it.  Four strangers who can be a great asset to our life or cause us a lifetime of damage and suffering.  We just have to close our eyes, take a deep breath, and hope they don't kill us.

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