Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Smuggler of Epic Proportions

Breaking news unearthed a man who has been selling dinosaur fossils illegally to museums and whoever else would want to buy a dinosaur.  Eric Prokopi, a native of Florida, has been charged with illegally importing the fossils to the United States from Mongolia and faces up to 35 years in prison.  His operation has been called a "one-man black market in prehistoric fossils."

Dinosaur bones?  Right next to the AK-47s and kidneys.

If a man went through the trouble of smuggling several full size dinosaurs, mainly a Tarbosaurus (which is the size of a T-rex, which, from my no knowledge of smuggling, is a pretty damn big package size), to another country, I would be more impressed than anything.  Just the fact that he got a hold of a dinosaur is impressive.

I can only assume it looked something like this.

The Tarbosaurus skeleton was sold for $1.05 million.  All that money to purchase a lame dinosnore?  Now I'm even more impressed.  Not only did he smuggle a gigantic pile of bones, but he managed to sell it for over a million dollars!  At a public auction!  And no one questioned how a man somehow got a huge skeleton?  You can't pick that up at the dinostore.    

Another assumption: Dinosaur auctions look like an Apple product reveal.
All he needs is the black turtleneck sweater.

Not much else is revealed about this dinostory because it was just released today, but I suspect the police will dig up some more evidence and convict Prokopi.  I guess this blog post and article weren't that interesting...or intelligent, which are the two guidelines I had to meet.  This post was probably not a dinoscore.  You were probably pretty dinobored.  I'm out of dinomite dinopuns.


  1. What do you call a terrible, horrible, unpleasant dinosaur?
    A Thesaurus

    How can you tell a male dinosaur from a female dinosaur? Ask it a question. If he answers, it's a male; if she answers, it's female.

    What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? A: Rep Tiles

    What do you call a Blind Dinosaur's Dog?
    A: Do-ya-think-he-saurus-rex.

    Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
    A: Because chickens weren't around then.

    What do you get when you put a bomb and a dinosaur together?
    A: Dino-mite.

    What was the most flexiest dinosaur?
    A: Tyrannosaurus Flex.

    I know they are bad.

  2. Love the image of the dinosaur on the ship!

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