Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Near Drowing of an Innocent Child

I have been a swimmer my whole life.  Not a competitive swimmer.  I cannot breaststroke or backstroke, but more of a water basketball and doggy paddle kind of swimmer.  The first time I experienced a full size swimming pool was incredible.  By incredible, I mean incredibly terrifying.  Picture an innocent six-year-old boy getting outfitted with a life jacket so he can swim with the big people.

Swimming is fun.

This next part needs some explanation.  My neighbor's way of teaching children to swim is strapping a life jacket to them and throwing them into the pool, much like the motion of throwing garbage bags in a dumpster.  Anyways, so there I am standing at the edge of the pool ready to walk down the ladder when I am swooped up by my neighbor and thrown into the pool.  Water engulfed me.  If filled my ears, eyes, nose, and anywhere else water can go.

Screw swimming.

Surprisingly, I quickly regained my composure and started to have fun, well, as much fun as a young boy can have while keeping a watchful eye for people trying to dunk him (dunking is the act of making someone feel like they are going to drown.  This will ruin a friendship).  It really is surprising that I am not aquaphobic.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds HORRIFYING. I am so thankful that I didn't learn to swim like this! Nice title, it really caught my eye!

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